I read in a recent article that a builder of mixed income housing in New York City recently gained approval to have separate entrances for residents based on income.
My initial thought was segregation was declared illegal 50 years ago, so why is it coming back now? My second thought was "What in the hell is this builder thinking?"
I wonder whether he has always been socially inept and arrogant. Was he entitled as a wealthy kid or did it come later as he rose from poor to rich? If he is someone who let money change him for the worse, then there probably wasn't much of an identity to change in the first place.
Atlanta has mixed income housing located in prominent areas throughout the city. There is absolutely no way that I would want to own a condo in a building where the entrances were segregated based on income. But then again, I wasn't raised that way. I wasn't raised to be offended by the mere presence of someone who made less money than me.
I have learned that in most cases, money makes you more of what you already are. If you were compassionate and giving when you had little money, you'll likely be compassionate and giving MORE when you have more.
And if the wealthy resident of this new building has the mentality that agrees with separate entrances, then maybe it's the lower income resident who needs protection from the wealthier resident and not the other way around.
All the best to you on your financial journey,