Empowering Ladies in the Stock Market
Providing a community for women who want a safe space to learn about and discuss the stock market, with the ultimate goal of financial enlightenment.
« August 2011
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October 2011
Hi Ladies! Hope you are doing well. As usual, the market is up and down. My watch list has a lot of companies with opportunities to make money right now. Yours can too! There are always opportunities to make money in the stock market.
Check out Aneshia Y. Smith's appearance on Lifetime Television's The Balancing Act, America's premier morning show that's about women, for women, and trusted by women.
Listen to Aneshia Y. Smith's interview with Cory Clay from Rich Ideas Radio.
Listen to Aneshia Y. Smith's interview with Prosper Miller from ProsperMe Consulting.
Listen to Aneshia Y. Smith's interview with Terica Scott from the Younger Women's Task Force (YWTF).
Press Release #1
Press Release #2
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